
Google maps problem with query mobile + phone gap

Implementing Google maps with phonegap using query mobile shouldn't be a problem. So I thought, at least at the beginning.

Scrolling programmatically with jquery mobile

My last task was to create a mobile app for iOS and android platforms.

Liferay diaries: Directing between different portlets on different pages

In my latest project I've came across the following UI construct:

Liferay diaries: Serving resources from a portlet with Spring

So there comes the day when you finally have to serve an image, pdf or excel report generated by a portlet or, more elegantly, by a Spring…

i18n and type conversion validation messages with Spring

Given a form backing object (aka command object) which contains a nummeric field, i.e.

Liferay diaries: Log4j

Setting up log4j for a Liferay and Spring application: