
Liferay and ECJ

If you ever saw the following error while trying to run, for example, the deploy ant task of your portlet: Task cannot continue because ECJ is not installed.

Eclipse, Subclipse and the JavaHL problem

If you tried to install subclipse in your eclipse, perhaps after the restart and while trying to configure your first SVN repository, you encountered the following error (in Mac OS X):

Datanucleus warning for a test class because of its annotations

I have created a project in eclipse with the google plugin that should run on the app engine.

Eclipse template for unimplemented methods

This post applies to eclipse IDE.

A logger (log4j) template for the eclipse java editor

If you are using log4j then you probably are tired of the copy/pasting the logger from on class to an other.

XML files are not included in the eclipse build directory

Some time now I had a problem with running a dynamic web app project in eclipse as a web application (right click on project name and then RUN AS > RUN ON SERVER).