Drupal development since 2008.
Drupal is open source software maintained and developed by a community of over 1,000,000 users and developers. It's distributed under the terms of the "GPL", which means anyone is free to download it and share it with others. This open development model means that people are constantly working to make sure Drupal is a cutting-edge platform that supports the latest technologies that the Web has to offer. The Drupal project's principles encourage modularity, standards, collaboration, ease-of-use, and more.
Technopolis and Drupal
As an Organization Member of the Drupal Community,Technopolis S.A. monitors the latest evolution on the platform, applying a ‘two-way’ cooperation with the Community, by using the best module and technical solutions, while in parallel, contributing to the Community numerous security issues. Choosing Technopolis S.A. as your partner for developing your new Web Site, offers numerous advantages such as:

- Expertise: from a company who is an active member of the corresponding Development Community. Technopolis S.A. is an Organization Member of Drupal Association.
- 'Drupal Way development': in Technopolis S.A.we abide by the ‘best practices’ for developing source, applying the famous ‘ Drupal Way’, offering protection to the customer from adopting custom and untested approaches.
- Server optimization: Technopolis S.A. – in the frame of ‘one-stop-shop’ for Web projects, offers servers optimized for hosting ‘Drupal-made’ web content.
- Customer-adapted solutions: From simple ‘Display-only’ sites to complex corporate sites and full-features portals, Technopolis S.A. has implemented more than 70 projects on Drupal. This expertise does not only includes deep knowledge of the existing features but engulfs development of optimal solutions for addressing custom corporate needs, such as:
- Development of custom modules (always abiding to ‘Drupal Way’)
- Site migration from older or custom platforms to Drupal CMS
- Interconnecting Drupal content with back-end, corporate systems.
- Custom Design: It’s your company and it will be your exclusive design.
Drupal is open source software maintained and developed by a community of over 1,000,000 users and developers.
As an Organization Member of the Drupal Community,
Technopolis S.A. monitors the latest evolution on the platform,
applying a ‘two-way’ cooperation with the Community.