Since Portals are totally different to Corporate web sites and developing an e-shop raises many other issues, we approach every project based on its peculiarities.
And to every project we apply our extensive experience.
We build your web site in line with your corporate culture and communication. With a ‘look-and-feel’ matching your ‘target audience’. Whenever you are ready, we will add workflows and data to support corporate procedures. Easily maintained so adding and maintaining informative, interesting and accurate content is a 'piece of cake'.
You see, from an informative web site, to large corporate portals, we 've built them all. And since we've been working with Open Source for decades, we've built them on Drupal, one of the 'best-of-breed' Web Content Management Systems.

For achieving the above, you need:
- a robust infrastructure with managed support services to keep it running 24x7
- a versatile and user-friendly Content Management System to keep it interesting
- tools for monitoring its publicity
- a strategy to promote your site
We‘ll develop on the appropriate open source platform, we'll support it for seamless operation and we'll promote it for better ROI.
We strive for keeping our cooperation mutually beneficial.
At Technopolis S.A. we offer the 'full set' of services, so you get to your 'final target': Your custom solution and measurable dividends - just like in a successful investment.
Our approach is simple:
We work in cooperation,
not on projects.
Cause your web site is not ‘a project’ with a deadline,
it's your everlasting presence in today’s digital world.