
Reindex an entity by the id

If we have a web content and we want to update the index of it we can do that with the following code:

Getting the model hints in the code

While trying to make a custom validator in a form, there was the need to reuse the information set in the portlet-model-hints.xml file. You can do this by using the following Util class:

Liferay Kaleo workflows: How to get rid of

When a kaleo workflow in Liferay 6.2 sends an email, it adds automatically as the sender the email If you want to change that, you can't...

Liferay Studio 2.2.x won't do the update thing

If you want to try to update your Liferay Studio, you may encounter the following problem:

JCaptcha in Liferay (multiple instances per page)

Liferay supports simpleCaptcha and reCaptcha by default.

Plugin Unit testing in Liferay 6.2

In the past I tried to find out how to unit test my plugins in liferay with no success. To be honest, I never tried much, and I am also a rookie in unit testing.

"PermissionChecker not initialised" in scheduler job

When writing a scheduler job in liferay, you don't have access to the the themeDisplay life in portlet methods. So you miss a lot of handy data.

Custom simple captcha in custom portlet for Liferay

In the last month we had to add different captchas in some liferay sites.

Make the preferences of a portlet company wide

Add the following elements in the liferay-portlet.xml file

Disable javascript minimizer in Liferay

Just add &js_fast_load=0&css_fast_load=0&strip=0 in the URL. Have a nice time debugging the javascript.

Original PortletConfig in Portlet Configuration

Lets assume you have a Project with its own Language properties and a portlet that have a configuration page.

How to define an entity in Service Builder for existing tables

Recently we encounter a case, where the tables of an external database were "moved" as synonyms in the schema of

Liferay Deployer (Jenkins plugin)

After posting my last post I made some progress in building the liferay deployer plugin.

Jenkins + Liferay plugin deployment

In the past I wrote an article about how to use jenkins to deploy your plugins in a remote liferay portal server.

Liferay - testing a portlet

While trying to find out how to test a MVC liferay portlet, I realised that there is not much of documentation about the subject.

ERROR [MVCPortlet:361] null is not a valid include

I was happy with my portlet, till I encounter a strange error after my deploy: ERROR [MVCPortlet:361] null is not a valid include

ServiceContext: What is this for?

Lately I was trying to insert some content into liferay programmatically and I saw in many API calls that there was a parameter object of type ServiceContext.

Problem overriding equals in a DTO object in Service Builder

If you try to override the equals method in a generated DTO object implementation and rerun the service builder, you will see the following error:

Can't debug javascript in Liferay?

Per default liferay minifies all javascript and css files of your portlets. As a result you have better speed, but while being in the developing cycle, you can scarify some speed for information.

Unable to locate deployment context from portlet properties

Are you fresh in life ray and testing Service Builder for the first time? is everything working fine, but in the console you see the following exception?

Liferay and ECJ

If you ever saw the following error while trying to run, for example, the deploy ant task of your portlet: Task cannot continue because ECJ is not installed.