News from Liferay Portal Solution Forum / UK
We were there! At Liferay Portal Solution Forum, held in London from Nov. 4th, to Nov. 5th. And we heard the latest about Liferay Portal, the best Open Source platform for Portals in any sector: Public, Enterprise, E-shop, etc.
The greatest announcement was around Liferay Portal 7.0. With 'strip down' code - in order to include only the most necessary components - every Portal 'service' has been implemented as 'Portlet'. It also includes updated User Interface module, Bootstrap 3.0 (although there is a 'brunch' with Bootstrap 4.0), Liferay Portal 7.0 is lighger and more flexible. And extremely 'Front-End development'_friendly, since the whole 'front-end' environment has been adapted to satisfy front-end developers' needs and expertise. Front-end developers are able to use 'the tools of their trade' (i.e. the products they already use in their every day business, like 'Sublime', etc.) without worrying about the peculiarities of building UI's in Liferay Portal.
But Liferay 7 has more for specific managers. It support the entire 'journey' of interaction with your content, no matter which device they use, to Digital Experience Managers. Digital Marekets are able to deliver targeted content on a timely basis. And Enterprise IT teams are able to easily create interfaces for mobile, We and IoT (Internet of Things) devices.
At the Liferay Portal Solution Forum, we also heard about succesfull projects, like the one at University of London and the City of Bristol, which proved the value a Liferay Portal installation brings to Institution and Public Authorities alike.
We also met with good, old friends with whom we 've collaborated in our Liferay Portal projects.
It's nice to see that the technological choice for investing on Liferay Portal, a choice we made some 8 years ago, is a succesfull one!