MBH Training Management
Dealers Training Extranet
To an initial request that dictated 'building an application for our partners', Technopolis S.A. responded with a 'Business Application Container' system, able to host the specific application as well as any other future need. Based on Liferay Portal, the solution created a unified User Management sub-system and a User Interface able to host the specific application as well as, other 'out-of-the-box' usefull apps (such as Calendar, Forum, etc.) while at the same time was the perfect environment for adding any other application, whenever there was a request for that.
The inital application was a Web app for the MBH Dealers network (dealer personnel registry & certifications, dealers training participation & administration, training invoicing and evaluation). The business and application logic were implemented as separate, reusable portlets.
Not long afterwards, another application was requested and it was added (without the need for US.Managment, etc.) Extranet Portal with unified user management providing custom web applications to MBH Dealers network (spare part orders submission). The business and application logic were implemented as separate, reusable portlets and data were intra-communicated between the Portal and AS/400 Legacy System.