A full e-shop implementation.
For a modern, adaptable and user friendly e-shop, containing thousands of products an innovative approach has to be applied. The ‘Product Catalog’ solution developed by Technopolis S.A., was installed for easily managing product information. Data migration with existing ERP system was implemented through Web Services and an appealing User Interface was designed.
A custom ‘Administration Environment’ was developed as a bespoke Java Web App, so properly authenticated staff from Organizerstores, could modify specific ‘content areas’ to their liking, uploading banners, implementing sales categories, designating promotion on specific product categories, etc.
A full e-shop implementation was also developed, also properly connected with the back-end ERP. The solution was an immediate success, so that the same platform was deployed for the sister-company in Romania.
The value of the solution applied and the quality of the services offered, are depicted through the ‘ever-continuing’ addition of new requests by the client and the short time frame (and consequently, low cost), that these changes can be applied.