Liferay diaries: Help! My validation errors are not showing!
While still battling form submissions in my Liferay/Spring MVC Form controller/Multi-portlet beast, I noticed that the Spring form tags would not…
Liferay diaries: Multiple spring form controllers in a portlet
Now there comes a moment in the life of every portlet author, be it a seasoned veteran (like jstam) or a fresh starter like myself when you need…
Liferay diaries: Help! My form post parameters are empty!
While hacking a Spring & Liferay prototype, I'm suddenly wondering about why during a form submission there are no parameters (not even empty…
Spring Web Services used by Flash client. Part 1
GWT 1.7 exception in integration with existing project
I tried to put GWT in an existing project and after my first try to make a gwt compile, I got the following exception:
We developed an e-shop (a front end and a back end) as an eclipse project. The front end produces its own war and the back end a different one.